Business Model versus Revenue Model - what is the difference? (2024)

A business model describes, in a model-like and holistic manner, the logical connections and the way in which a company generates value for its customers. A company can operate several business models at the same time.

A revenue model describes the structure of how a company generates revenue or income. Each customer segment can contain one or more revenue streams.

Difference between business model and revenue model

The business model describes how a company generates value.

The Revenue Model describes how a company generates revenue from the value it has generated for customers.

The Revenue Model is therefore an important component of the business model.

The difference can be illustrated by the individual components of a business model. In essence, four factors describe a business model:

  1. WHO are the target customers (segments, relationships)?
  2. WHAT is the benefit that a company provides to its customers and most important partners in the value chain (value promise or value proposition)?
  3. HOW does the company deliver this benefit (partners, activities, resources)
  4. HOW does the company earn money (revenue model or revenue structure)?

A comprehensive concept for describing business models is the Business Model Canvas. It allows a high degree of complexity in terms of describing the functioning of a company using nine basic building blocks. These cover the company's four most important areas. The HOW € section illustrates the revenue model and cost structure as part of the business model.

Business Model versus Revenue Model - what is the difference? (2)

Business Model versus Revenue Model using the example of Uber

Uber's business model is based on arranging carpooling opportunities without running a fleet of vehicles. People who travel by car and those who are looking for a ride are brought together via an app. Billing is also carried out via the app: The passenger stores a payment method before the journey, from which the fare is automatically debited. The driver has to register with Uber and receives the payment weekly on his bank account. A rating system ensures safety.

How does the company earn money with this business model, i. e. how is the Revenue Model conceived in the context of this business model?

  1. Basic fare plus surcharges: The price of the journeys consists of a basic fare (€1-€4) plus an amount per kilometre (€0.65 - €1.50) plus an amount per minute (€0.25 - €0.40).
  2. Different price models: The price differences in base price and surcharge result from different price models. For example, the three variants UberBlack, UberX and UberVan are offered for taxi service. In addition, there are further services such as UberEATS, UberCargo, UberRideshare, Uber for Business, Uber Freight, etc.
  3. Surge pricing: If there is a high demand for journeys, the price dynamics will gradually increase the fares.
  4. Fee for use: 20 percent of the fare goes to Uber

Uber's revenue model is therefore based on the collection of usage fees on the basis of the fare, the amount of which depends on the respective customer segment. In addition, the company is generating additional income through demand-based surge pricing.

Here is an overview of the Business Model, including Revenue Model, based on the Business Model Canvas:

Business Model versus Revenue Model - what is the difference? (3)

Business model innovation versus revenue model innovation

As described above, a business model consists of four key components that are closely related to each other. Therefore, the change in one component often leads to changes in other components. A change or innovation of the revenue model can thus influence and change the entire business model of a company.

#1 Change Business Model

A very good example of how changes in the earnings model can affect the entire company is Hilti's business model innovation. Instead of selling expensive machines, it was based on charging the customer for the equipment, including maintenance, based on usage. The high one-off payment was replaced by regular but smaller turnovers. This change ultimately led to a change in Hilti's business model.

#2 Change Revenue Model

The telecommunications industry provides an example of revenue model innovation with no significant impact on other components of the business model: The original revenue model was based on a fixed amount that had to be paid approximately two months in advance. The remaining amount for a certain period of time was collected by direct debit. As this procedure was risky, a comprehensive credit and receivables management system was developed to check the creditworthiness of customers.

However, this automatically excluded large customer groups such as young people. In order to tap into these customer groups, the earnings model was innovated: customers no longer pay a basic fee and there are no more invoices. The customer pays an amount in advance, which he can then telephone - the prepaid card was born.

Conclusion: Business Model versus Revenue Model

The clear distinction between the business model and revenue model sharpens the view of the entire company and allows the revenue model to be withdrawn as a subordinate key component of the business model:

“A successful combination of a great Business Model and Revenue Model results in a Google of today or a Facebook of tomorrow. But if you place your Revenue Model on the throne and crown it as king, with your Business Model as its slave, then you will land up with a Myspace of yesterday.”

Alok Keyrival, Digital entrepreneur

Business Model versus Revenue Model - what is the difference? (2024)


Business Model versus Revenue Model - what is the difference? ›

Difference between business model and revenue model

What is the difference between revenue model and business model? ›

A revenue model is the strategy of managing a company's revenue streams and the resources required for each revenue stream. A business model is the structure comprised of all aspects of a company, including revenue model and revenue streams, and describes how they all work together.

What is the difference between business and business model? ›

A business model is a company's core framework for operating profitably and providing value to customers. They usually include the customer value proposition and pricing strategy. A business plan outlines your business goals and your strategies for achieving them.

Is financial model the same as business model? ›

Briefly, business model is a complete project definition, including the nine elements described in the business model template (Google Image Result for ), while a financial model is a tool, like planeamatic, to perform detailed analysis on ...

What are the three main types of revenue models? ›

Common revenue models include subscription, licensing and markup. The revenue model helps businesses determine their revenue generation strategies such as: which revenue source to prioritize, understanding target customers, and how to price their products.

What is considered a business model? ›

A business model is a strategic plan of how a company will make money. The model describes the way a business will take its product, offer it to the market, and drive sales.

What is your revenue model answer? ›

A revenue model is a blueprint for how a company produces income from its services or products. Simply put, it outlines the methods through which a business makes money. There are several components within a revenue model, including how you price your products and which sales channels you choose.

What are the key elements of a business model? ›

These include the value proposition, customer segments, channels for distribution and communication, and revenue streams and cost structure.

What is the main difference between a business model and a full business plan? ›

Unlike the business model, which outlines the basic idea, the business plan is a comprehensive and well-thought-out presentation of all aspects of the company or start-up. The business model is the solid foundation on which the business plan is built and developed.

What does revenue mean? ›

The basic revenue definition is the total amount of money brought in by a company's operations, measured over a set amount of time. A business's revenue is its gross income before subtracting any expenses. Profits and total earnings define revenue—it is the financial gain through sales and/or services rendered.

What is the 3 statement model? ›

What is a 3-Statement Model? The 3-Statement Model is an integrated model used to forecast the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement of a company for purposes of projecting its forward-looking financial performance.

What is business model in accounting? ›

Business Models in Accounting explores what insights might be gained from the economic theory of the firm, specifically in relation to measurement issues in financial reporting. The theory of the firm is an important field of study in economics.

What is a financial model in simple words? ›

Financial modeling is the process of creating a summary of a company's expenses and earnings in the form of a spreadsheet that can be used to calculate the impact of a future event or decision.

How does a business model look? ›

It consists of a simple and clear template used to define and describe all the different components involved in a business model: Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partners, and Cost Structure.

What is another name for the revenue model? ›

The term revenue model refers to a business's strategy for generating income. It outlines the method for collecting revenue, whether it's from selling products, offering subscriptions, or other means. Considering the offered options, the another name for a 'revenue model' could be a 'business model' (option c).

What is Netflix business model and revenue model? ›

In conclusion, Netflix's business model revolves around its subscription-based model, content production and acquisition, and data-driven personalization. The company generates revenue through monthly subscription fees, content licensing, and partnerships with telecom and cable providers.

How do I define my revenue model? ›

A revenue model is a plan for earning revenue from a business or project. It explains different mechanisms of revenue generation and its sources. Since selling software products is an online business, a plan for making money from it is also called an eCommerce revenue model.

Is a profit model the same as a business model? ›

Business models: A business model is broader in scope than a profit model alone. While profit models comprise one aspect of a business model, the business model will also consider additional factors like competition, market conditions, and product development.

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