Hogan Assessments [The Complete Guide] | Test-Guide (2024)

Hogan Assessments are a series of science-based aptitude tests used by employers to gain an accurate insight into prospective and existing employees personality and cognitive abilities.

Organizations that use Hogan Assessments rely on the tools to improve the quality of hire, facilitate individual development, and enhance team effectiveness.

The Hogan assessment test helps organizations identify characteristics that may impact an individual’s job performance as well as his/her fit within a particular role, team, or organizational culture.

Dr. Joyce and Robert Hogan pioneered the use of this personality assessment to improve workplace performance. They are the industry leader with products and services used in 56 countries.

Summary: Learn more about the Hogan test and use the resources below to prepare for it. Some questions on the cognitive ability section are similar to questions you may see on an intelligence exam - take our IQ test online for more questions like this.

High Scores = New Job

If you are serious about scoring high on your Hogan Assessment, try our Recommended Hogan Assessment Prep Course/Practice Tests

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Types of Hogan Assessments

The purpose of the hogan assessment is to:

  • To evaluate weaknesses and strengths.
  • Identify high potential employees and leadership candidates.
  • Discover motivating factors and values.
  • Establish pitfalls in individual’s personality that might impact future performance.
  • Predict how a person will behave within a professional environment and the critical driving forces behind these actions.

Another common exam given to candidates during the hiring process is the Wonderlic test. Hogan offers three kinds of personality and two kinds of cognitive ability tests.

Hogan Personality Tests

  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
  • Hogan Motives, Values, & Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

Everyone has a bright and dark side to their personality. The dark side characteristics demotivate individuals, while bright side characteristics motivate individuals.

Bright side personality qualities are displayed when a person is feeling positive and in control of a situation. Dark side personality qualities can show through when someone is under pressure or agitated.

Hogan Cognitive Ability Tests

  • Hogan Judgment (J)
  • Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI)

Hogan assessments allow employers to eliminate any potential bias based on gender, ethnicity, and race as part of the selection process. It focuses on bright or dark side personality qualities that will contribute to or detract from an organization’s workforce performance.

Hogan Practice Tests

Numerical Reasoning QuestionsJobTestPrep
Verbal Reasoning QuestionsJobTestPrep

Other Study Resources for the Hogan Assessment

Put in as much preparation time as you can. There are online resources available to help you.

Hogan Assessment Prep CourseJobTestPrep

Hogan Assessment Content Outline

Five assessment tests make up the Core Hogan Assessments:

(click on image to enlarge)

TestCompletion TimeQuestionsPurposePredicts
HPI30-40 mins220Describes normal personality qualitiesHow people work
HDS15-20 mins170Uncover blind spots that could lead to career derailment
MVPI15-20 mins200Assess fit between valuesSuccess & job satisfaction
JNot timedDetermine the decision making approach & reaction to feedbackIndividual's ability to learn from feedback
HBRI25-30 mins24Identify an individual's problem-solving style and areas that need improvementJob performance

Hogan Personality Assessment Tests

The three Personality tests are related, but each measure’s a different aspect of a person’s personality.

Hogan Personality Inventory Test (HPI)

The Hogan Personality Inventory test assesses how you relate to others daily. Employers use this to determine if you work well with others. Would you be more successful as a leader or a follower?

Seven bright side primary scales used in this assessment:

  • Adjustment measures a person’s self-confidence, self-esteem, and working under pressure.
  • Ambition measures a person’s desire to lead, their initiative, and their competitiveness.
  • Sociability measures a person’s need for social interaction and extrovert tendencies.
  • Interpersonal Sensitivity measures a person’s likeability, their tact, and their ability to maintain relationships.
  • Prudence measures a person’s responsibility, self-discipline, and the ability to be thorough.
  • Inquisitiveness measures a person’s imagination and curiosity.
  • Learning Approach measures a person’s enjoyment of learning and ambition to keep up with current knowledge.

You will work through a series of statements, with which you will strongly disagree, disagree, agree, or strongly agree.


After being alone for a while, I really feel the need to be with other people.

  • A. Strongly Disagree
  • B. Disagree
  • C. Agree
  • D. Strongly Agree

Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

The Hogan Development Survey evaluates how an individual manages relationships and issues in times of crisis. Employers use this to determine whether your behavior in an emergency would harm work performance and social interactions. Would it be a risk to the company?

Eleven dark side personality scales used in this assessment:

  • Excitability measures a person’s ability to work with passion and enthusiasm, and their tendency to be easily frustrated, moody, irritable, or give up on projects or people.
  • Skepticalness measures a person’s tendency to be alert for deceptive behavior in others and take action when it is detected.
  • Cautious measures risk aversion, fear of failure, and avoiding criticism.
  • Reserved measures seeming harsh, aloof, remote, and unconcerned with the feelings of others.
  • Leisurely measures how a person appears to be friendly and cooperative, but following one’s agenda and quietly stubbornly resisting others.
  • Bold measures seeming fearless, confident, and self-assured, always expecting to succeed and unable to admit mistakes or learn from experience.
  • Mischievous measures impulsiveness, adventurousness, and risk-seeking.
  • Colourfulness measures gregariousness, fun, entertaining, and enjoying being in the spotlight.
  • Imaginative measures innovation, creativity, possibly eccentric, and self-absorbed.
  • Diligent measures being hardworking, detail-oriented, and having high standards of performance for self and others.
  • Dutiful measures being compliant, conforming, and eager to please others.

You will read through a series of statements and determine if they are True or False.


Strangers quickly recognize my talent and intelligence.

  • A. True
  • B. False

Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory Test (MVPI)

The Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory assesses your core goals, drives, interests, and values. Employers use this to determine what motivates you. What position would suit you best?

Ten dark and bright side personality scales used in this assessment:

  • Recognition measures a person’s responsiveness to attention, approval, and praise.
  • Power measures the desire for success, accomplishment, status, and control.
  • Hedonism measures a person’s orientation for fun, pleasure, and enjoyment.
  • Altruistic measures the desire to help others and contribute to society.
  • Affiliation measures a person’s enjoyment and preference for social interaction.
  • Tradition measures a person’s dedication to strong personal beliefs.
  • Security measures the need for predictability, structure, and order.
  • Commerce measures a person’s interest in money, profits, investment, and business opportunities.
  • Aesthetics measure the need for self-expression, concern over look, feel, and design of work products.
  • Science measures a person’s interest in knowledge, research, technology, and data.

You will read through a series of statements with which you will answer, agree, disagree, or undecided.


Job security is more important than job satisfaction.

  • A. Agree
  • B. Disagree
  • C. Undecided

Hogan Cognitive Ability Assessment Tests

Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory Test (HBRI)

The Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory test measures your tactical and strategic reasoning. Employers use this assessment to determine how you solve problems and identify gaps, flaws, and errors in written and numerical items.

Three types of questions are presented in this assessment:

  • Verbal Reasoning & Logic questions such as word analogies or logic puzzles.


Submarine is related to Water the same way Oil is related to

  • A. Ground
  • B. Industry
  • C. Fire
  • D. Air
  • E. Flow
  • Numerical Reasoning questions involving calculations of distance, area, or percentage based on information presented in tables, charts, or graphs.


Hogan Assessments [The Complete Guide] | Test-Guide (2)

  • Abstract Thinking questions involving the manipulation of 2-D or 3-D figures.


Which blocks complete the following sequence?

Hogan Assessments [The Complete Guide] | Test-Guide (3)

Hogan Judgment Assessment (J)

The Hogan Judgment Assessment is a combination of the personality and cognitive ability assessment questions. The Judgment Assessment evaluates how a person makes decisions and measures their response to the results of their decision and negative feedback.

Employers use this assessment to determine how quickly you can process complex information and its effect on your decision-making process. Can you take responsibility and accept the results, or will you push the blame onto others?

Judgment falls into three categories:

  • Learning assesses how you prefer to learn, whether with words, images, or with numbers and symbols.
  • Deciding assesses your decision making process. The decision-making process is affected by our personalities, amongst many other factors, and can create bias when making decisions.
  • Adapting assesses how you react to a good or bad decision.

Administration of the Hogan Assessment

Hogan assessments are online assessments. To complete a Hogan Assessment, you will be provided with a username and password, which will allow you to access the online assessment platform.

How is the Hogan Assessment scored?

Hogan scores assessments through a combination of percentile ranking systems and normative test results. Normative scores show how you rank compared to other people who have taken the test previously.

A percentile placement score is given for each trait to indicate whether your score is low, below average, above average, or high compared to others who have previously taken the test. There is no ideal personality or score.

(click on image to enlarge)

Source: Hogan Insight MVPI Sample Score Report© 2013 Hogan Assessment Systems Inc.

Hogan Assessment Test FAQs

What are my assessments used for by my employer?

Hogan Assessments are used for pre-hiring selection, assessing safety-related behavior, identifying high potential employees, and developing leaders.

Can I see my assessment results?

Whether or not you can see your assessment results is up to your employer’s system administrator.

What is a good score on the assessments?

There is no such thing as an ideal score or personality profile. Each individual’s assessment scores are likely to reveal some strengths and some potential challenges or risk factors

Hogan Assessments [The Complete Guide] | Test-Guide (2024)


What is a good Hogan score? ›

The Validity scale checks for normal vs. erratic or careless response patterns. This scale should be interpreted as pass/ fail. A score of 4 bars represents a normal or “pass” score; a Validity scale score of 0 bars indicates a “fail” score where the individual may have answered items in an erratic or careless manner.

What are the three Hogan assessments? ›

There are three tests in the Hogan Assessment. They are the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and the Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI). How are the Hogan tests scored? Hogan test scores compare your answers to others who have held the type of position you are seeking.

What does the Hogan assessment tell you? ›

The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) identifies personality-based performance risks and derailers of interpersonal behavior. These behaviors are most often seen during times of stress and may impede work relationships, hinder productivity, or limit overall career potential.

How long does it take to complete Hogan Assessment? ›

How Long Does the Hogan Assessment Take? Each of the Hogan Assessments takes 15-30 minutes to complete. The Hogan Personality Assessments are not timed, however, the HBRI is timed to 30 minutes.

Is the Hogan Assessment difficult? ›

Is the Hogan Personality Inventory Test hard? It is a complex and comprehensive personality examination, but it is not a difficult examination. Each part of the Hogan personality assessment takes around 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

How do I prepare for the Hogan Survey? ›

Hogan Development Survey Tips
  1. Consider the Critical Qualities for Your Role. On the HDS, it's all about answering in a way that doesn't risk your success on the job. ...
  2. Understand Each Trait's Optimal Ranges. ...
  3. Avoid High-Risk Scores on Important Traits.

How accurate is the Hogan test? ›

Hogan assessments are remarkably reliable, accurate personality measurement tools for predicting success in the workplace.

Do Hogan results change over time? ›

fluctuate slightly over time, significant shifts in Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and Hogan Development Survey (HDS) scores are rare and usually the result of careless responding. However, on an aggregate level, the “average” levels of HPI and HDS scale scores may change over time.

How many questions is the Hogan test? ›

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) has 220 questions. The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) has 170 questions.

Can you fail the Hogan test? ›

Successful Strategies to Pass Each Hogan Assessment. When it comes to personality tests, it's impossible to fail. There are no right or wrong answers – after all, the recruiter wants to know more about you as a person.

How much is the Hogan assessment? ›

In the first workshop, learn to apply Hogan's three core personality assessments and deliver basic feedback. Then, learn advanced interpretive techniques to get the most from assessment results. The cost for this workshop is $3,500 USD per participant.

How do I pass a behavioral assessment test? ›

To increase your chances of passing a personality test, you can follow the tips below:
  1. Answer honestly but with the company and position in mind. ...
  2. Don't sit on the fence. ...
  3. Avoid extreme answers. ...
  4. Be consistent. ...
  5. Answer in a work context. ...
  6. Practice self-awareness. ...
  7. Stay calm and don't overthink.
Jan 31, 2023

What companies use Hogan assessments? ›

Companies Currently Using Hogan Assessments
Company NameWebsiteTop Level Industry
Expediaexpedia.comConsumer Services
Accadenceaccadence.comBusiness Services
Dayton Freightdaytonfreight.comTransportation
PrimeRevenueprimerevenue.comBusiness Services
2 more rows

Can you fail a personality assessment? ›

While a personality test might sound like another obstacle on your road to gainful employment, the truth is that you can't actually pass a personality test. In fact, you can't fail either. The test is there to distinguish your personal strengths and weaknesses, among a variety of other personality points.

How is the Hogan Personality Inventory scored? ›

High scorers tend to be calm, self-confident, and steady under pressure. Low scorers tend to be tense, moody, and they may not handle pressure well. High scorers tend to be energetic, competitive, and eager to advance themselves. Low scorers tend to quiet, unassertive, and less interested in advancement.

How many questions is the Big 5 test? ›

A. The test consists of 60 questions and takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.

What are the 4 color personalities? ›

The four colors are cool blue (precise, exacting, and deliberate and seeking understanding), earth green (caring and patient and seeking harmony), sunshine yellow (fun and sociable and seeking recognition), and fiery red (driven and confident, and seeking achievement).

How can I pass any assessment test? ›

Here are a few tips to make it go easier:
  1. Answer honestly. Personality tests often include questions that ask for answers on a scale. ...
  2. Avoid too many of the same answers. ...
  3. Study the job description. ...
  4. Consider taking a practice test. ...
  5. Take your time. ...
  6. Expect questions about your honesty and integrity.
Jan 29, 2021

How accurate are Hogan assessments? ›

Hogan assessments are remarkably reliable, accurate personality measurement tools for predicting success in the workplace.

Can you still get hired if you fail an assessment test? ›

Yes you can still get the job. If you failed the assessment, You should ask for a lower position , learn all that you can and move your way up. A lot of managers started as janitors or cashiers.

Can you fail a behavioral interview? ›

Because behavioral interviews are not technical, many candidates do not take the time to properly prepare for them, but you can easily lose your chances of getting a job by doing poorly in the behavioral interview.

What is the best way to answer behavioral based questions? ›

How to nail your answers to behavioral interview questions
  1. Make a list of your "greatest hit" stories. ...
  2. Stick to examples from your professional life, rather than personal. ...
  3. Gather your thoughts before answering. ...
  4. Practice. ...
  5. Quantify and provide specifics. ...
  6. Stay positive in your answers. ...
  7. Don't try to memorize. ...
  8. Be honest.
Jun 3, 2022

What to do if you fail an assessment? ›

What to do if you failed a subject
  1. Step 1 | Don't panic. Sometimes, it is as simple as retaking the subject again or you might even be offered an AA (additional assessment) or AE (additional exam). ...
  2. Step 2 | Talk to your lecturer. ...
  3. Step 3 | Don't focus on the negatives. ...
  4. Step 4 | Plan your next steps. ...
  5. Step 5 | If you try again.
Jun 7, 2019

How do I ace an online assessment test? ›

Aptitude test tips
  1. Practice. Practice is the most commonly advocated route to aptitude test success, and one very few people would dispute. ...
  2. Know your test. ...
  3. Don't get your friends to help. ...
  4. Make the most of online tests. ...
  5. Realistic simulation. ...
  6. Be alert and stay focused. ...
  7. Ask for feedback. ...
  8. Know when to move on.
Oct 10, 2022

What is the easiest way to pass a test? ›

10 Steps To Ace Your Next Test
  1. Get informed. Don't walk into your test unprepared for what you will face. ...
  2. Think like your teacher. ...
  3. Make your own study aids. ...
  4. Practice for the inevitable. ...
  5. Study every day. ...
  6. Cut out the distractions. ...
  7. Divide big concepts from smaller details. ...
  8. Don't neglect the “easy” stuff.

How much does Hogan cost? ›

The Hogan suite of assessments range between $50 to $400 (prices vary depending on the report).

How long does it take to complete the personality assessment Inventory? ›

Clients generally complete the 344 items in less than an hour. Scales and subscales can be hand-scored in only 15-20 minutes. Can be used with low-reading level populations. The PAI requires only a fourth-grade reading level; an audio administration CD is also available.

How many questions are in the Hogan Personality Inventory? ›

The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) has 220 questions. The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) has 170 questions. The Motives Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI) has 200 questions.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.